

Dimensions: 72"H x 28"W x 26"D

Type:                   Cold Drink

Manufacturer:   Dixie Narco  DN      
              DNCB 276/162-6, DN276 SP
Selections:         6
                            3 Narrow Double Depth                                       Columns (Capacity 32 12 oz                                cans each)           
                             3 Wide Double Depth Columns
                             (Capacity 60 12 oz cans each)
Total Capacity: 276 12 oz cans
Bill Acceptor:     Mars/Mei VN 2301  

Coin Changer:    Mars TR6800H
Condition:           Used,  Good 100% Operational and made ready for location by Automated Services LLC
Price:                   $1,295


Notes     This Dixie Narco 276-Single Price Cold Drink machine, accepts $1 bills, quarters, dimes and nickels, pays change in the same coin denominations, and vends 12 oz cans. The vend price can be set in 5 cent increments with a max price of $10. It’s in 100% working order, and still pleasing to the eye. It’s 72” tall, 28” wide and “26” deep which is Dixie Narco’s smallest footprint.

Dixie Narco, now under umbrella of CPI Crane Merchandising Systems, is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola, Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepes Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)


Specs. and Additional Information


   Dimensions:  72"H x 37"W x 29"D


Type:                    Cold Drink

Model:                 DNCB MPC501/280-8, DN501-MPC

Manufacturer:     Dixie Narco (DN)
Selections:          8

                            5 Narrow Triple Depth Columns

                            (Capacity of 48 12 oz. cans each)

                            3 Wide Triple Depth Columns (Capacity 87                             12 oz. cans each)                           

                            Total Capacity = 501 12 oz cans
Bill Acceptor:    Yes
Coin Changer:
Condition:          Used, Good.100% Operational & made                               ready for location by Automated Services  


This Dixie Narco 501-MPC, equipped with Dixie's Multi Price Controller allows each selection to be priced individually in 5 cent increments from .05 to 9.95. It vends 12 oz cans, accepts $1.bills, nickels, dimes, quarters and pays change in the same coin denominations. It's in 100% operating condition.and Its overall appearance is very good, pleasing to the eye.

Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 60 day parts guarantee is included.  (All replacement parts to be supplied / obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, Ct 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)

Specs. and Additional Information




                                Dimensions:  72"H x 37"W x 29"D

Type:                          Cold Drink Machine

Manufacturer:           Dixie Narco (DN)
                      DN CB, DN 501R-S11-8, DN 501-8 S11
Serial No.:                 0232-6212DS
Selections:                8
                                      3 wide columns with
                                      capacity of 87 12 oz. cans
                                      5 narrow columns with
                                      capacity 48 12 oz. cans each)
                                    Total Capacity: 501 12 oz. cans)
Bill Acceptor:           Coinco BP2BX ($1.)
Coin Changer:
         Coinco 9302GX (3-tube)
Condition:                 Used,  Excellent & 100% Operational


This Dixie Narco 501R-S11-8 vends 12 oz cans, accepts $1.bills, nickels, dimes, quarters and pays change in the same coin denominations, and is in 100% operating condition. Its overall appearance is very good, pleasing to the eye.. Dixie’s S11 control board with system diagnostics & system set-up/audit functions, allows each selection to be individually priced, supports mdb (Multi Drop Bus) related product options such as 4 & 5 tube coin acceptors, $1 & $5 bill acceptors, and credit card acceptance systems..  
Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)

Specs. and Additional Information



                       Dimensions:  72"H x 37"W x 26"D

Type:                          Cold Drink Machine

Manufacturer:           Dixie Narco (DN)
                      DN 368-8 S11, DN368 S11
Selections:                8
                                      4 Narrow Double Depth Columns
                                      (Capacity 32 12 oz. cans each)
                                      4 Wide Double Depth Columns
                                      (Capacity 62 12 oz. cans each)
                                    Total Capacity: 368 12 oz. cans)
Bill Acceptor:            Mars/MEI VN 2511 $1
Coin Changer:
          Coinco 9302 LF
Condition:                 Very Good & 100% Operational


This late model Dixie Narco 368-8 S11 with Dixie’s larger delivery port, smaller selection buttons, and new style Coke Graphics vends oz cans, accepts $1.bills, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollar coins and is in 100% operating condition.  Its overall appearance is excellent, pleasing to the eye with a hint of the luster of new still reaming. Dixie’s S11 ELECTRONICS  with system diagnostics & system set-up/audit functions also allows each selection to be individually priced.  
Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)

Specs. and Additional Information


                                                                                                                      Dimensions:  72"H x 28"W x 26"D

Type:                         Cold Drink
Manufacturer:       Dixie Narco (DN)
Model:                     DN 276 S11
Selections:                6
                                     3 Narrow Double Depth Columns
                                     (Capacity 32 12 oz. cans each)
                                     3 Wide Double Depth Columns
                                     (Capacity 60 12 oz. cans each)
                                   Total Capacity: 276 12 oz. cans)
Bill Acceptor:           MEI VN2500 Series $1
Coin Changer:         MEI TRC6000
Condition:                Used,  Excellent & Ready to  Operate
Price:                        $1,395


This Dixie Narco 276 Cold Drink vends 12 oz cans, accepts $1.bills, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollar coins and is in 100% operating condition. Its overall appearance is excellent, pleasing to the eye with a hint of the luster of new still reaming. Dixie’s S11 ELECTRONICS  with system diagnostics & system set-up/audit functions also allows each selection to be individually priced. The 276 S11 has the smallest footprint of all the Dixie Narco machines at 28” wide and 26” deep.
Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)



Dimensions:   72"H x 37"W x 35.75"D

DN501E RS11-9 (3).JPG?1532986912735

Type:                          Cold Drink Machine

Manufacturer:         Dixie Narco (DN)
                      DN 501E- RS11-9, DN 501E
                                     1 wide column with capacity of 87                                            cans or 54 16/20 oz. bottles
                                                       8 narrow columns with capacity of 48                                      cans or 28 16/20 oz. bottles
Bill Acceptor:          Mars/Mei VN 2511 ($1 & $5)
Coin Changer:
         Mei VN 4510 4 Tube (.05, .10, .25, .25)
Condition:                 Used,  Excellent & 100% Operational                                       and made ready for location by                                                 Automated Services, LLC


The Dixie Narco 501E models were specially designed to vend 20oz  & 16oz plastic pet bottles in double-depth high capacity columns, with a large package delivery ports for Coke, Pepsi and other major bottlers. The E models also vend 12oz cans in high capacity triple depth columns and 16oz cans of the same diameter in double depth columns. Each selection is relatively easy to set for bottles or cans, however cans and bottles require different shims kits & vend motor settings. We will pre-set each selection to your needs for the above packaging at no extra charge.     

Dixie’s S11 ELECTRONIC control board with system diagnostics & system set-up/audit functions, allows each selection to be individually priced, supports mdb (Multi Drop Bus) related products such as 4 & 5 tube coin acceptors and credit card acceptance systems. This Dixie Narco 501E-S11-9 accepts $1 & $5 bills, nickels, dimes, and quarters, pays change in the same coin denominations, and is in 100% operating condition. Its overall appearance is excellent, pleasing to the eye with a hint of the luster of new still reaming.  The 501E models are well known for their dependability and ease of service. Replacement parts are readily available at reasonable prices as both new and used.  
Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.  

Specs. and Additional Information



Dimensions:  72"H x 37"W x 35.75"D

Coke 501e-2.JPG?1532986912827

Type:                      Soda Cold Drink

Manufacturer:       Dixie Narco
Model:                    501E
Selections:              9
                                   1 wide column with a capacity of 87 cans
                                        or 54 16/20 oz. bottles
                                   8 narrow columns with a capacity of 48                                           cans or 28 16/20 oz. bottles
Bill Acceptor:         Yes ($1 and $5)
Coin Changer:        Yes-MEI 4 Tube (.05,.10, .25, .25)
Condition:                Excellent and Ready to Operate
Price:                       $1,850

Additional brand machine fronts are also available.


The Dixie Narco 501E models were specially designed to vend 20 oz.  & 16 oz. plastic pet bottles in double-depth high capacity columns, with a large package delivery ports for Coke, Pepsi and other major bottlers. The E models also vend 12 oz cans in high capacity triple depth columns and 16 oz cans of the same diameter in double depth columns. Each selection is relatively easy to set for bottles or cans, however cans and bottles require different shims kits & vend motor settings. We will preset each selection to your needs for the above packaging at no extra charge.     


Dixie’s S11 ELECTRONIC control board with system diagnostics and system set-up/audit functions, allows each selection to be individually priced, supports (Multi Drop Bus) related products such as 4 & 5 tube coin acceptors and credit card acceptance systems. This Dixie Narco 501E-RS11-9 accepts $1 & $5 bills, nickels, dimes, and quarters, pays change in the same coin denominations, and is in 100% operating condition. Its overall appearance is excellent, pleasing to the eye with a hint of the luster of new still reaming. The 501E models are well known for their dependability and ease of service. Replacement parts are readily available at reasonable prices as both new and used.  


Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepes Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)

Specs. and Additional Information




                                                                                                        Dimensions:  72"H x 42"W x 32"D

Type:                          Cold Drink

Manufacturer:          Dixie Narco (DN)
                     DN2145, 2145, BeverageMax,                                       Bottle Drop, Glass Front  
Selections:               45
                                    5  Trays @ 9 Selections each
                                    (Capacity 8-9 each based                                       package size & shape)
                                    Total Capacity: 360-405 units                                       based on package size & shape 

Bill Acceptor:
            Mars or Coinco Accepting $1 &                                        $5 bills      

Coin Changer:           Mars or Conlux with 5 coin tube                                                     payout system
Condition:                  Used, Exceptional condition.                                       100% Operational & made ready                                                 for location by Automated                                         Services LLC
                        $2,795 with black face


This Dixie Narco BeverageMax  model DN2145 is in 100% working order, accepts both $1.& $5. bills and able to vend/deliver most cans, glass and pet bottles in 10-20 oz sizes. Its appearance is exceptional, very close to new.

Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.
Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)      

Specs. and Additional Information



                                 Dimensions:  72"H x 39"W x 32'D

Type:                   Cold Drink Machine

Manufacturer:   Crane National Vendors, CMS      
              3800-4 BEVMAX Narrow

                              5 Trays @ 7 selections each, 

                              8 drinks per selection 

                             Total capacity: 245 drinks

Bill Acceptor:     Mei 2512 accepting $1 and $5 bills
Coin Changer:    Mars/MEI4510 (4-tube)
Condition:           Used, Very Good. 
                             100% operational and made                                            ready for location by

                              Automated Services LLC 

Price:                  $3,795



This Dixie Narco BEVMAX model DN3800-4 (Narrow) is in 100% working order, has a excellent appearance and accepts both $1.& $5. bills. The Dixie Narco BevMax (DN-3800-4) is the most advanced glass front soda vending machine available. Most glass front systems allow vended beverages to freefall into the delivery bin. The DN 3800-4 Bevmax Narrow has a robotic system that retrieves each beverage from its shelf location and delivers it to a delivery station, limiting product foaming and potential product damage. DN3800’s are operator and user friendly, accommodate extensive product package variations without shims or mechanical adjustments, reliable and replacement parts are readily available. Dixie Narco is a major manufacturer of vending machines for Coca-Cola , Pepsi & etc. and is located in Williston, SC.  

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.)

Specs. and Additional Information



                                             Dimensions: Model 552: 72"H x 37"W x 33"D

                                                                    Model 368: 72"H x 37"W x 29.5"D

Type:                   Cold Drink
Manufacturer:    Royal

Model:                 376 RVCDE and 552 RVCDE

Selections:         8 Selections


Columns 1-4 ea. have a capacity of 62 12 oz. cans

Columns 5-8 ea. have a capacity of 32 12 oz. cans

Total: 376 Cans 


Columns 1-4 ea. have a capacity of 90 12 oz. cans

Columns 5-8 ea. have a capacity of 48 12 oz. cans

Total: 552 Cans 

Bill Acceptor:     Yes   
Coin Changer:
Condition:           Used.  Very Good .

                            100% Operational & made ready for                                    location by Automated Services, LLC   
                 $995 each


We have a limited number of  Royal 376 RVCDE and 552 RVCDE (Royal Vendors Cold Drink Electronic) model cold drink soda machines in stock.

Aside from being the most reliable and operator-friendly, Royal's electronic control board makes its models superior to the others manufactured by Dixie Narco and Vendo within the same time frame, and now priced similarly as used. The Royal control board provides a key function, a "positive vend system", also known as a "guaranteed delivery system". A delivery chute sensor detects a product as it’s delivered (meaning the vend cycle was completed and the customer received their beverage). In the event a beverage is not delivered, the machine will automatically make another attempt to delivery the beverage and if it’s unable to, will instruct the customer to make another selection by way of its digital display. Dixie and Vendo models will simply keep a customer's money and provide no beverage, generating service calls and customer refunds. Also, the manner in which the Royal design dispenses product is less likely to jam. (Product jams are normally due to damaged product containers and loading errors)  Jams happen now and then but less often in the Royal.    

This machine was designed to vend 12 oz cans, however, it’s capable of vending 16oz plastic water bottles by Poland Springs, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Arrowhead, Ozark, and Zephyr Hills, as these brands by Nestle Waters offer a specially designed 16oz plastic bottle for vending machines. You can learn more about these vending bottles @ SellBottledWater/

You can expect the front illuminated display (face) to be free of cracks and deep scratches; surface scratches are unavoidable in these plastic/Lexan displays, however, when these displays are illuminated most all light scratches and minor imperfections disappear. The areas near and including the selections buttons, the coin-insert and bill acceptor will be scratch and graffiti-free. And perhaps most important machine will be in complete working order.


Royal is the #1 manufacturer for Coca-Cola Coke machines.  The Royal factory is located in WV. Replacement parts are readily available and reasonably priced. 


Specs. and Additional Information



                                                               Dimensions:  72"H x 37"W x 33"D

Type:                    Cold Drink                         

Manufacturer:    Royal Vendors

Model:                 552 RVCDE

Selections:         8 Selections

     Columns 1-4 ea. have a capacity of 90 12 oz. cans

     Columns 5-8 ea. have a capacity of 48 12 oz. cans

     Total: 552 Cans 

Bill Acceptor:     Mei/Mars ($1 only)   
Coin Changer:
   Mei/Mars (3-tube)

                             .05, .10 and .25 cent payouts
Condition:           Good to Excellent and Ready to Operate

Price:                  $1,195 



Royal's “Merlin” electronic control board made its models superior to the others manufactured by Dixie Narco and Vendo within the same time frame.  With its "Guaranteed Delivery System" a sensor detects the beverage as it is delivered, if a beverage is not delivered, customers are enabled to try another selection or be refunded. Dixie Narco and Vendo models will simply keep a customer's money and provide no beverage, generating service calls and customer refunds. Also, the manner in which the Royal design dispenses product is less likely to jam. (Product jams are normally due to damaged product containers and loading errors)  Jams happen now and then but less often in the Royal models. This Royal vends 12 oz cans, accepts $1 bills, nickels, dimes, quarters, and pays change in the same coin denominations.


Royal is the #1 manufacturer for Coca-Cola Coke machines.  The Royal factory is located in WV. Replacement parts are readily available and reasonably priced. 

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.) 

Specs and Additional Information




                                                               Dimensions:  72"H x 28"W x 29.5"D

Type:                   Cold Drink
Manufacturer:    Royal, Royal Vendors

Model:                 282, RVCD 282-6, Merlin

Selections:         6 Selections 

Columns 1-3 ea. have a capacity of 62 cans

Columns 4-6 ea. have a capacity of 32 cans

Total: 282 Cans

Bill Acceptor:     Mars VN2000 Series $1 
Coin Changer:
    Mars TRC 6010 3 Tube
Condition:           Used.  Good

                            100% Operational  
                 $ 999


Aside from being the most reliable and operator friendly, Royal's “Merlin” electronic control boards made their machines superior to those manufactured by Dixie Narco and Vendo within the same time frame. Its "Guaranteed Delivery System" detects beverages as they are delivered. If not delivered, customers are allowed another selection or an instant refund. The product dispensing design is less likely to jam. Product jams happen occasionally due to damaged product containers and or loading errors however they will happen less in the Royal Merlin’s. Selections may be independently priced in nickel increments $0.00-$12.75. It accepts $1.bills, nickels, dimes, quarters, pays change with the same coin denotations and was designed to vend 12oz cans.

This machine is capable of vending 16 oz. plastic water bottles by Poland Springs, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Arrowhead, Ozark, and Zephyr Hills, as these brands by Nestle Waters offer a specially designed 16 oz. plastic bottle for vending machines. You can learn more about these vending bottles @

This 1991 Royal RVCD 282-6 machine is in 100% working order. The illuminated is face free of cracks, but does have an a slight indentation approx 1." long X 1/8" deep x 1/4" wide  just above the C in Cold Drink, however when illuminated as you can see from the picture, scratches and minor imperfections mostly disappear. Royal is the #1 manufacturer for Coca-Cola Coke machines. The Royal factory is located in West Virginia. Replacement parts are readily available and reasonably priced.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.) 

Specs. and Additional Information


                                                       Dimensions:  72"H x 28"W x 29.5"D

Type:                   Cold Drink
Manufacturer:    Royal, Royal Vendors

Model:                 282, 282-6, RVCD

Selections:         6 Selections 

Columns 1-3 ea. have a capacity of 62 cans

Columns 4-6 ea. have a capacity of 32 cans

Total: 282 Cans

Bill Acceptor:     Mei VN2000 Series $1 
Coin Changer:
    Mars TRC 6800h 3 Tube
Condition:           Used.  Excellent

                            100% Operational  



This Royal 282 accepts $1 bills, nickels, dimes, quarters, pays change with the same coin denotations and was designed to vend 12oz cans. Its in 100% working order, the illuminated face is free of cracks and deep scratches, surface scratches are unavoidable in these plastic/lexan displays however when illuminated most all light scratches and minor imperfections disappear. The areas near and including the selections buttons, the coin-insert and bill acceptor will be scratch and graffiti-free. Royal is the #1 manufacturer for Coca-Cola Coke machines. The Royal factory is located in West Virginia. Replacement parts are readily available and reasonably priced.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.) 


Specs. and Additional Information



  Dimensions: 72"H x 37"W x 35.5"D

Type:                      Soda Cold Drink

Manufacturer:      Royal
Model:                   660-9
Selections:          9 Selection buttons, programmable to                                  draw from one or more of 12                                                 columns (capacities per column                                            approximately 54 12-oz cans or
                              24-20 oz swirl bottles  (Coke &
Pepsi                                    types)   
Bill Acceptor:     Mei VN2000 Series ($1 only)
Coin Changer:
    CoinCo 9302GX  (3 Tube)       
        Used, Excellent &100% Operational
Price:                    $1,695



This is a Royal 660-9  Cold Drink Merchandiser with a  Coca-Cola medallion, the machine's condition throughout ranges from very good to excellent.

It is equipped to accept $1 bills, and is ready to operate, and may be up fitted to accept $1 & $5 bills for an additional $200.  Royal  660 Cold Drink Merchandisers vend a variety of cold drinks: energy drinks, juice, soda, and water packaged in 12-oz cans, 16-oz, 20-oz and 1 liter plastic bottles. No shims and no mechanism adjustments are necessary to change product sizes from 12-oz cans to 20-oz. plastic bottles for Coke and Pepsi products, etc.

While most manufacturers have columns designed to hold the same product in each column front to back, the Royal 660 design divides each column into 2 spaces (a front and a back space) creating 12 columns, each column/space able to hold different products. The columns are assigned/programmed to one of 9 selection buttons by means of the machine's electronic control board. This allows greater flexibility in establishing peak product capacity per selection for each location's needs, in-turn allowing the vending operator to increase time between service intervals.

Royal is the #1 manufacturer for Coca-Cola Coke machines. The Royal factory is located in West Virginia. Replacement parts are readily available and reasonably priced.

Warranty:  A 30 day part warranty is included (All replacement parts to be supplied/obtained from seller, Automated Services LLC, 145 Pepe's Farm Rd Milford, CT 06460. Labor is the responsibility of the buyer.

Specs. & Additional Information



Automated Services LLC 145 Pepe's Farm Road, Milford, CT 06460.  All rights reserved 2025